The Mike Parry Art Award and Exhibition
The Mike Parry Art Award was inspired and named after one of our colleagues, who sadly passed in January 2019.
Mike inspired so many people and it has been an honour to celebrate Mike’s life and legacy by organising the first Art Award and Exhibition in his name.
The Award and exhibition was held on 20th November 2019. Over 70 people attended the day, which showcased artwork from across Wales. It was a truly wonderful and inspiring event and we would like to thank everyone that was involved and who attended, including the artists, service users, staff, partner organisations and our commissioners.
You can watch videos of the day on here and here
You can download the brochure of the event, which includes the entries, here: Mike Parry Art Award 2019 Brochure
Mike Parry Art Award 2019 – Original Announcement
Barod are pleased to announce the first Mike Parry Art Award competition.
Mike was one of our colleagues who sadly passed away in January 2019. He was a gifted artist, but he was also a wonderful art teacher. He worked tirelessly with our service users to find their inner Picasso, Van Gogh or Pollock and to enable them to use Art as a way to making positive changes, increase their confidence and improve their health and wellbeing.
We have invited artists who have been in substance misuse services, past or present anywhere is Wales to enter the competition by submitting a piece of Art with the theme ‘What recovery means to me’.
We have received all types of art, from paintings and drawings to sculpture, photography and poetry. You can see all of the entries by following us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
There will be a prize for the winning entry and all entries will be part of an exhibition on 20th November in the Ebbw Vale Institute.
Artists entering competition please see the Terms and Conditions below for more information