60% of adults report they feel ashamed of the way they look

(Source: Reflections on Body Image: All Parliamentary Report, 2012)

As Covid-19 restrictions ease, the pressure from various sources including the media and society, may start to increase in relation to losing that ‘lockdown weight’ or to get ‘beach body ready’, in time for the summer.

Our ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff’ campaign aims to promote positive body image and ultimately, happy, healthy living. We want to create an environment that people can feel good within their own skin, regardless of how our external factors may view them. We also want to challenge those negative external factors and opinions.

48% of men aged 16-40 have experienced poor mental health because of how they feel about their body (Source: CALM & Instagram)

Our campaign will provide resources, as well as hints and tips from some of our staff, on how to build positive body image as well as how they keep themselves both mind and body healthy. Some of our staff have also kindly provided some candid and honest testimonies on the struggles they have faced over the years in relation to their own body image. We will also be posting lots of positive affirmations, which could be used when life just doesn’t seem to be that great at that time, or as a source of motivation.

“There is so much more to our value and worth than the way we look” – A testimony from Anni

Positive body image and healthy living doesn’t mean you have to eat certain foods or exercise regularly. It is different from person to person, whether it be wearing clothes that are comfortable or taking time out for yourself to relax which in turn can help you feel calmer and therefore happier, not just about how you feel about your own body, but life as a whole.

90% of girls and young women believe that TV and magazine focus too much on what women look like rather than what they achieve (Source: Girlguiding UK)

So why not follow #DontSweat on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for daily posts regarding promoting positive body image and healthy, happy living through June and July 2021. You can also try out one of our resources below, our 30 steps to a healthier body and healthier mind. It could be a 30 day challenge by doing one thing action a day or try and do multiple each day – up to you!