Barod initiated the first discussions with South Wales Police (SWP) just over 2 years ago to highlight the role the first response from police can play in responding to an opiate overdose. The discussions and development of policy and procedures were then developed to support the initiative and to ensure the role and identity of the police, were sustained. It was identified that the primary role of the police regarding drug use and supply is traditionally one of enforcement, however SWP work closely with Barod to reduce the demand for controlled drugs and prevent people taking potentially harmful substances in the first place.

It has now been promoted within the force that by carrying nasal Naloxone, police officers will have access to a crucial harm reduction tool that can prevent a drug related death and the knock-on effects that this has to families and the wider communities. Barod are thankful for the support from the Chief Officers’ team, SWP, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, our partners, and the volunteering officers in the force.

There are 50 volunteer officers who are now carrying Naloxone and if they can save the life of one person, it will allow the officers to refer them to Barod and our partners, for treatment and intervention, with the aim of preventing further such incidents and giving the person a chance to start or maintain their recovery journey.

You can watch the launch of the pilot here.